Posts by Brian Chappell

Here is the 2nd addition of the Thank God its Fridays (TGIF) link recap. According to Yahoo is the most fullfilling search engine when compared to Google and MSN. The websidestory study showed MSN at the top. However this study by compete shows Yahoo as #1 with 75% of searches returing a refferal, Google […]

I am going to start something new. I watch a lot of blogs every day, so why not keep track of those posts with a once a week blog post, summing them up? Well see how long this lasts, but here goes. Internet marketing mindmap by Aaron Wall, maps out online marketing in a visual […]

Over the next couple weeks I will be posting my notes from SEOClass. All in all a must see if your looking to pick the brains of some of the most affluent search marketers in the industry. One on one networking, tips, tricks, tools, all reasons why attending SEOclass is worth the 2 grand. Ohh […]

Here is a quick link to discover the links your site might have on Wikipedia. Not that they really matter for search engine benefits, now that they are nofollowed, but still a cool little tool none the less.