Googles link policing, Gooruze Launch and Opensocial opens its doors- TGIF SEO Links

  • Google has decided to mandate that the market cannot promote and do what they wish via selling advertising. They are really walking a thin line. They are now stating that they will penalize your site if you are selling ads that are not nofollowed. Stating that engineers are now manually going through and demoting sites that they feel are selling pagerank. I could go on and on about this topic, but I would simply be beating a dead horse. I cant stomach reading them anymore let alone writing a long, drawn out post on how I truly feel about this matter.
  • Great how-to post on utilizeing CSS image replacement, which is a search friendly way to display text in place of images where applicable; oh yea and its screen reader friendly in case a disability stricken individual is perusing your site.
  • Check out Brian Chappell at the newest social marketing platform for fellow internet marketers to share news, stories, articles and blog posts. Very fascinating ranking system and a great harmony that has enticed some exquisite posts so far. Definitely worth checking out.