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Hi, I'm Brian.
I'm the founding consultant over at
We help Consultants show and tell.
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Personal Achievements
- My past agencies were featured on the Moz recommended list for 10+ years.
- Major media outlets, including the NY Times, referenced content I created over the years.
- I witnessed prior interns of mine going on to create and exit their own service businesses.
- I designed a Wordpress plugin that was downloaded 30,000+ times.
- I created exits on 5 businesses, one of which sold for over 6x EBIDTA.
Example Hits
Lucky Gunner Labs

Ignite Social Media

"Brian knows his stuff. He knows SEO cold, and he's incredibly passionate about figuring out what's coming next and what it means to all of us."
Jim Tobin - President
Raven Tools

"I especially appreciate your professionalism, which to me is having direct conversations without being mean, also structuring and documenting ideas so we can actually work on them, developing reasonable goals and timelines."
Scott Holdren - Co-founder
Buildium Property Management Software

"Adapt played a critical role in helping us scale our customer acquisition strategy at Buildium"
Geoff Roberts - Previous CMO
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